This quick Halloween party snack makes an adorable ghost out of a hard-boiled egg! Make a whole platter of fun ghosts for a Halloween party! Have a single ghost as a snack or in a lunchbox for kids.
1 Sharp knife
1 Cutting board
1 drinking straw
1mediumhard boiled egg
Peel hardboiled egg gently with your hands.
Slice bottom off egg so egg will stand on end
Use the plastic drinking straw to poke holes in the egg for ghost eyes and mouth.
Slice a tiny piece off of your carrot. Slice it smaller until you have two pieces that are smaller than the holes.
Pop tiny pieces of carrots into eye holes. Enjoy!
To make peeling your eggs easier, add a little vinegar to the water. To make your hard-boiled eggs less likely to crack while boiling, add a little salt to the water.
When making the holes, push straw all the way in through the white section to the yolk. Squeeze egg out of straw between making each hole.
Carrot bits could easily be substituted with bell pepper for other colors of eyes.